Monday, December 8, 2008

Russia, "the first Rich Women", 100,000,000 U.S. dollars to buy luxury London

Russia, "the first rich women," Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov's wife Yelena Barbeau plans to spend Lin Na 100,000,000 U.S. dollars, second only to London to buy Britain's second largest royal residence Buckingham Palace. 45-year-old Lin Na Batu owned assets 4,200,000,000 U.S. dollars, the control of Moscow's largest construction group, whose husband is Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. Dong is a luxury in the 18th century building, covers an area of about 22,300 square meters, has 90 rooms, including 25 bedrooms and a 21-meter-long ballroom, is the second largest London house.

俄罗斯“第一富婆”、莫斯科市长卢日科夫的妻子叶连娜巴图林娜花费1亿美元,买下伦敦仅次于英国王宫白金汉宫的第二大宅邸。45岁的巴图林娜拥有42亿美元资产,掌控莫斯科最大的建筑工程集团,其丈夫是莫斯科市长卢日科夫。豪宅是栋18世纪建筑,占地约2.23万平方米,有90个房间,包括25 个卧室和一个21米长的舞厅,是伦敦第二大宅邸。